You are currently viewing 9 Best Yoga Affiliate Programs (That Are Worth Your Time)

9 Best Yoga Affiliate Programs (That Are Worth Your Time)

If you’re looking for the best yoga affiliate programs…

You’re in the right place!

Because in this post, I list 9 of the best yoga affiliate programs in 2024.


I’ve also covered their commission rates and cookie durations too, so you can quickly see which programs are best for you.

Let’s check ’em out…

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. If you click on one and buy something, I may get a commission at no extra cost to you. Go here to read the full disclosure.

The Best Yoga Affiliate Programs in 2024

1: Yoga Renew

2: Akasha Yoga Academy

3: Yoga Hustle

4: Bulldog Online Yoga

5: Yoga Accessories

6: Yoga Wake Up

7: Mukha Yoga

8: Personal Hour

9: Shakti Warrior

1: Yoga Renew

best yoga affiliate programs

Yoga Renew is a yoga teacher training platform founded by Kate Lombardo and Patrick Franco.

Kate has been teaching and leading training programs through her award-winning yoga studios before going online and launching Yoga Renew.

And Patrick has leveraged his expertise across yoga and eastern medicine to develop some of the world’s most influential yoga instructors.

As a Yoga Renew affiliate, you’ll earn 30% commissions on all referred sales.

2: Akasha Yoga Academy

Akasha Yoga Academy has been a registered yoga school since 2012.

They offer an 80-hour TTC, a 200-hour TTC and a 300-hour TTC.

Over the past decade, they’ve guided over 3,000 yoga teachers, and strive every day to provide world class training to their students.

Their affiliate program is free to join, and offers 10% commissions with a 90 day cookie window.

3: Yoga Hustle

yoga affiliate programs

Yoga Hustle is a Los Angeles based retailer of premium yoga gear.

Since launching the brand in 2017, their products have been ranked as the best in the industry.

All of their yoga gear is designed with beautiful, joyful prints, that are made from the highest quality eco-conscious materials to provide peak performance and durability.

Their affiliate programs offers 7% commissions and a 45 day cookie duration.

4: Bulldog Online Yoga

Bulldog Online Yoga was founded in 2015 and offers online yoga classes via streaming.

The brand was founded with the unique goal of bringing the amazing benefits of yoga to more people by making it approachable, accessible and fun.

Their team of Yoga Alliance certified instructors have a combined 160+ years of experience and offer expert guidance.

5: Yoga Accessories

top yoga affiliate programs

Yoga Accessories has been a top online resource for high-quality yoga gear for over 25 years.

They offer a range of products including props, bolsters, straps and premium quality mats.

No matter what kind of yoga gear you need, you’ll find it on Yoga Accessories.

6: Yoga Wake Up

best yoga affiliate programs

Yoga Wake Up is a mindful alarm app that is changing the way people wake up.

It replaces your usual alarm with easy, audio-guided yoga and meditation in bed, a new daily ritual improving health and wellbeing within the first few minutes of your day.

They offer more than 50 expert yoga and meditation teachers, so you’ll always awaken to a voice that resonates with you.

7: Mukha Yoga

Mukha Yoga is a retail and online store dedicated to yoga clothing and gear.

Caring about the environmental impact of doing business is at the core of their work, so they seek to put quality and care into the clothes they sell and only partner with sustainable companies.

The team behind Mukha Yoga are passionate about what they do, and just as passionate about providing their customers with world class service.

Their affiliate program pays 8% commissions with a 60 day cookie duration.

8: Personal Hour

Personal Hour was founded in 2019 with the sole purpose of empowering people to achieve balance by providing affordable, high-quality yoga and pilates tools, supplies and services.

In line with their mission to decentralize access to yoga and pilates equipment, they collaborate with numerous suppliers, agents, and sources to consistently offer the best products at the best prices.

As a Personal Hour affiliate, you’ll earn 5% commissions on all sales you refer.

9: Shakti Warrior

yoga affiliate programs

Shakti Warrior is a women-owned and operated brand who aspire to bring beauty and sustainability to the yoga world and empower women across the globe.

Their core values combined with their love, high ethical standards and discipline embody the timeless principles of yoga in everything they design and create.

They offer a range of products including mats, bolsters, straps, yoga blocks and more.

They welcome new affiliate partnerships, and offer 12% commissions with a 45 day cookie window.

Recap Of The Best Yoga Affiliate Programs in 2024

1: Yoga Renew

2: Akasha Yoga Academy

3: Yoga Hustle

4: Bulldog Online Yoga

5: Yoga Accessories

6: Yoga Wake Up

7: Mukha Yoga

8: Personal Hour

9: Shakti Warrior


Well, there you have it.

9 of the best yoga affiliate programs in 2024.

Be sure to also check out this post about copywriting for affiliate marketing.

And this post about how to monetize a blog with affiliate marketing.

Now, over to you…

“Are you going to join any of these yoga affiliate programs?”

Leave me a comment and let me know.

I’d love to hear from you!

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