You are currently viewing 9 Best Credit Repair Affiliate Programs (2024 Edition)

9 Best Credit Repair Affiliate Programs (2024 Edition)

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  • Post last modified:April 30, 2024

If you’re looking for the best credit repair affiliate programs…

I’ve got you covered!

Because in this post, I list 9 of the best credit repair affiliate programs in 2024.

Even more:

I cover their commission rates and cookie durations, so you can see which programs are best for you.

Let’s boogie…

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. If you click on one and buy something, I may get a commission at no extra cost to you. Go here to read the full disclosure.

The Best Credit Repair Affiliate Programs in 2024

1: Credit Firm

2: CuraDebt

3: Credit Saint

4: Sky Blue Credit

5: Experian Credit Repair

6: Credit Glory

7: MyFico

8: National Debt Relief

9: The Credit People

1: Credit Firm

best credit repair affiliate programs

Credit Firm was founded in 1977 and has become the leading expert in credit report repair.

Founded by a team of attorneys specializing in consumer credit and FCRA violations, the Credit Firm team has the knowledge to advocate on your behalf against the credit reporting agencies and credit furnishers.

They combine affordable monthly payments and the best customer service to deliver the best possible credit repair experience to their clients.

As a Credit Firm affiliate, you’ll earn 20% commissions on all referred sales.

2: CuraDebt

best credit repair

CuraDebt started as a small brick and mortar business in Irvine, California in 1996.

Four years later in 2000, they took their business online to serve even more people throughout the United States.

Today, they’re one of the oldest and most experienced debt relief companies in the industry.

As an affiliate, you’ll earn $30 per debt consultation lead, $40 per tax consultation lead, and 10% commissions of all sales for affiliate’s you refer.

  • Commission Rate: $30 per debt consultation lead / $40 per tax consultation lead / 10% commissions on all second tier affiliate sales
  • Cookie Duration: Lifetime
  • Signup Link: CuraDebt affiliate program

3: Credit Saint

credit repair affiliate program

Credit Saint is a New Jersey based credit repair company with over 15 years experience in the industry. rates them as the number one company for credit repair, and they’ve helped over 200,000 individuals since launching in 2004.

Not only are they a BBB accredited business, all of their programs are backed by their 90 day money back guarantee.

4: Sky Blue Credit

credit repair program

Sky Blue Credit has been helping people with their credit scores since 1989.

Having been in the industry for so long, they’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to ensure their customers enjoy a stress-free experience.

The team puts their customers front and centre of everything they do, so they get the results they’re looking for as quickly as possible.

They welcome new affiliate partnerships and offer $80 for every customer you refer.

5: Experian Credit Repair

Experian has been helping people prosper for over 125 years.

During that time they’ve amassed a huge team of more than 21,500 across 30 different countries.

They offer a range of services including credit cards, credit reporting, credit repair and more.

As an Experian affiliate you’ll earn $6 – $30 per sale with a 10 day cookie duration.

6: Credit Glory

Credit Glory is on a mission to help as many people as they can to get their credit scores right.

They understand that happy customers lead to referrals too, so they do everything in their power to ensure a smooth-positive experience for their clients.

And they know their work is life changing for many of their clients, so they treat it with the appropriate level of respect and urgency it demands.

The Credit Glory affiliate program offers $25 per sale and a 90 day cookie window.

7: MyFico

top credit repair affiliate programs

myFICO offers informative credit-information products that help people understand actions they can take to achieve and protect their overall financial health.

Through and their associates, over 23 million FICO scores have been sold to U.S. consumers since they launched in 2001.

As a myFICO affiliate you’ll earn $5 for all sales you bring in via your affiliate link.

8: National Debt Relief

National Debt Relief has helped more than 550,000 people since they were founded in 2009.

The NDR team is committed to helping clients get their lives back on track, and promise to stand by their clients every step of the way.

Everything they do is with a “human touch” because they care about their work and the lives they’re able to change because of it.

Anyone can apply to join their affiliate program and if accepted, will earn $27.50 on all qualified leads.

9: The Credit People

credit repair affiliates

The Credit People will review your credit report card to see what’s bad and what could be improved.

With over 20 years experience in the industry, and over 100,000 customers served, they know what it takes to get the results their clients are looking for.

They want everything to be transparent too, so they give their clients 24 hour account access so they can see everything that’s happening along the way.

All TCP affiliate’s are rewarded with $100 – $200 per referral.

Recap Of The Best Credit Repair Affiliate Programs

1: Credit Firm

2: CuraDebt

3: Credit Saint

4: Sky Blue Credit

5: Experian Credit Repair

6: Credit Glory

7: myFICO

8: National Debt Relief

9: The Credit People


And there we go.

9 of the best credit repair affiliate programs in 2024.

Be sure to check out these affiliate marketing tips too.

Or if you’re wanting to get started with affiliate marketing, here’s how to become an affiliate marketer step-by-step.

Now, over to you…

“Are you going to join any of these credit repair affiliate programs?”

Let me know in the comments below.

I’d love to hear from you!

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