You are currently viewing 11 Amazon Affiliate Website Examples (That Are Easy To Model)

11 Amazon Affiliate Website Examples (That Are Easy To Model)

If you’re looking for Amazon affiliate website examples…

I’ve got you covered!

Because in this post, I list 11 Amazon affiliate website examples that are easy to model in 2024.

Even more:

You’ll also see how they promote their affiliate products.

Let’s dive in…

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11 Amazon Affiliate Website Examples

1: BestReviews

2: ThisIsWhyImBroke

3: HomeGrounds

4: Tom’s Guide

5: The Prepared

6: Wirecutter

7: DogFoodAdvisor

8: GearLab

9: PC Part Picker

10: Swim University

11: PetKeen

1: BestReviews

amazon affiliate website examples

BestReviews is a leading product review site that reviews all kinds of products.

Their mission is to be a one-stop shop for comprehensive, in-depth product reviews of the top brands and models of every product on the market, while also pointing consumers to the best prices on the internet.

To date, they’ve helped consumers find and purchase over 30 million (and counting) products online.

How BestReviews Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They do simple product listings, as well as in-depth reviews of each product.

Like so:

2: ThisIsWhyImBroke

amazon affiliate website example

ThisIsWhyImBroke was started by Adam Freedman, who started the site as a hobby project.

It’s a basic site that lists all kinds of products from Amazon including gifts by occasion, gifts that are under $20, tech gadgets, baby products, gifts for pool players and more.

The entire site is kept very basic and minimalist in style.

How ThisIsWhyImBroke Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They promote their products with product listings.

The listings contain an image of the product, a brief description, a button to buy the product and that’s it:

3: HomeGrounds

amazon affiliate website examples

HomeGrounds is an affiliate website in the coffee niche that teaches people how to brew better coffee at home.

The site was founded by coffee addict Alex Mastin.

Alex says he started HomeGrounds after being frustrated by the lack of quality information around brewing high-quality coffee at home.

It wasn’t too long after launching the site that HomeGrounds became a leading website in the coffee brewing industry.

How HomeGrounds Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They write product listings to promote their affiliate products.

Nothing too fancy, just a simple listing of each product, a few details and a buy now button.

Like this:

4: Tom’s Guide

Tom’s Guide is a popular tech review site.

From phones to TVs, appliances to electric scooters, gaming gear or fitness equipment, they test all the latest products to help consumers and their buying decisions.

Beyond product reviews, Tom’s Guide also provides the best shows to watch on all the major streaming services.

How Tom’s Guide Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They create product listings for their affiliate products.

They also write in-depth reviews on every product they list on their site:

amazon affiliate website examples

5: The Prepared

amazon affiliate website

The Prepared is an affiliate website in the survival niche that provides guides and reviews that make it easier for anyone to get ready for emergencies and disasters.

They offer all kinds of guides from prepping basics and emergency scenarios, to self-defense and survival skills.

They also provide in-depth reviews around prepping related products, as well as courses and kits to equip you with everything you need for any kind of survival situation.

How The Prepared Promotes Their Affiliate Products

All of their affiliate products are promoted with product reviews and product listings.

Like previous examples, theirs are simple with an image of the product, a brief description, then a buy now button to purchase the product from Amazon.

Like this:

6: Wirecutter

Wirecutter is another affiliate review site that is owned and operated by The New York Times.

They have a huge site reviewing all kinds of products from tech and gadgets, to home decor and gardening products.

Not only do they promote products from Amazon, but they also promote products from Target as well.

How Wirecutter Promotes Their Affiliate Products

Wirecutter writes product listings to promote their affiliate products.

They include an image of the product, a description, and a button that redirects over to Amazon to purchase the product:

7: DogFoodAdvisor

amazon affiliate website examples

DogFoodAdvisor is a dog food review site founded by Dr Mike Sagman in 2008.

Since starting the website, they’ve reviewed over 5,300 dog food products, and continue to produce helpful reviews to this day.

They’re passionate about what they do, and strive every day to create the best content possible about all things dog food.

How DogFoodAdvisor Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They promote all of their affiliate products via simple product reviews.

They keep their reviews simple, yet informative:

amazon affiliate site examples

8: GearLab

amazon affiliate website examples

GearLab is a product review site that reviews outdoor gear.

They review all kinds of outdoor products including tents, camping gear, hiking gear, snow gear, fishing gear and more.

Their goal is to be the best outdoor gear review site in the world, which they’ve certainly achieved.

All of the products they review are purchased at retail first, tested and put through it’s paces, then they write a review of each product they’ve tested.

How GearLab Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They write product listings and in-depth reviews of every product listed on their site.

They don’t just link out to Amazon though, but also other companies they’re affiliate’s for such as REI and Backcountry.

Like so:

9: PC Part Picker

PC Part Picker provides computer part selection, compatibility, and pricing guidance for DIY computer builders.

When listing parts, they look at the price across the top retailers and list each price on their site.

This makes it easy for their audience to see which company offers specific parts at the best price.

They also write build guides, where they outline how to build certain types of computers.

How PC Part Picker Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They promote their products using product listings and price comparison tables.

They’re affiliate’s for multiple companies and link out to each company within their pricing comparison tables.

Like this:

amazon affiliate website examples

10: Swim University

amazon affiliate site examples

Swim University is a pool and hot tub care website that was founded in 2006 by Matt Giovanisci.

Matt has been teaching people how to care for their pools and hot tubs for over 30 years, and in 2006 he launched Swim University to share his knowledge with the world.

Since launching the site he’s served over 50,000 customers, attracts over 4 million annual visitors and built an email list of over 120,000 subscribers.

How Swim University Promotes Their Affiliate Products

Pretty much the same way as previous examples.

They write simple product listings with a description of the product, and a buy now button to buy the product from Amazon.

Like so:

11: PetKeen

PetKeen is pet care site founded and run by a team of veterinarians.

They produce product reviews and write helpful tutorials covering a range of different pet care topics, and for a range of different pets including dogs, cats, rabbits, fish, hamsters and more.

It’s a well designed site that covers everything you need to know about pet care.

How PetKeen Promotes Their Affiliate Products

They use comparison tables to promote their affiliate products.

They list a few details of each product and include a check price button which redirects over to Amazon:

Recap: 11 Amazon Affiliate Website Examples

1: BestReviews

2: ThisIsWhyImBroke

3: HomeGrounds

4: Tom’s Guide

5: The Prepared

6: Wirecutter

7: DogFoodAdvisor

8: GearLab

9: PC Part Picker

10: Swim University

11: PetKeen


And there we go.

11 Amazon affiliate website examples that are easy to model in 2024.

Be sure to check out these affiliate marketing books too.

And this post that shows you how to do affiliate marketing without a website.

Now, over to you…

“Do any of these Amazon affiliate websites resonate with you?”

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